10 April 2011



The shrimp aquaculture is expanded in the coastal region throughout the world especially in the South-Asian countries like Bangladesh from last few decades. In Bangladesh, shrimp aquaculture is now acted as a business that has been hindered by lack of knowledge, training on water quality, and poor farm management. Due to lack of proper water management, the surrounding environment impacted badly. Therefore, the study was aimed to analyze the different physico-chemical parameters among different shrimp aquaculture systems and evaluate through comparison of these systems on the subsequent effects to the South-Western Coastal region of Bangladesh. The research finds out the calculated index value is almost same as 0.87 in analyses of all factors. The water temperature is found positively correlated (P<0.01) with salinity, pH and TDS and negatively correlated with water depth. pH values of different sampling points during the observation period are found within 6.8 to 9.12, while the average values were 8.06±0.83, 7.83±0.623 and 7.49±0.41 in shrimp-rice, only-shrimp and canal water respectively. The pH of cultivated pond water of shrimp is found positive correlation (P<0.01) with water temperature, DO, TDS, salinity and negatively correlation with water depth. The DO values are found as 6.27±1.79 mg/l, 5.64±2.42 mg/l, and 5.35±1.43 mg/l in shrimp-rice, only-shrimp and canal respectively. It seems DO status is good in both culture and canal systems. The averages BOD are found 3.28±1.02, 3.31±1.00, and 3.53±0.79 in shrimp-rice, only-shrimp and canal system respectively. The BOD values fluctuated primarily due to the addition of unused feed abundant and waste materials. Collected TDS level varies from 0.702 gm/l to 36.3 gm/l respectively during field observation. The TDS value is found positively correlated (P<0.01) with salinity, pH and water temperature, but negatively correlated with water depth. The average salinity is found 8.18±5.28 ppt, 8.24±6.37 ppt and 8.00±7.15 ppt in shrimp-rice, only-shrimp and canal water in study area respectively. The range of salinity is found as 0.64 to 34.05 ppt in all categories and positively correlated (P<0.01) with water temperature, TDS, pH, and also negatively correlated with water depth. The research finds out that the relationship between the physico-chemical parameters among different types of shrimp farming system with environmental degradation, such as biodiversity loss, mangrove destruction, salinity intrusion etc in coastal Bangladesh.

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